Wednesday, March 26, 2008

3/26/08 - Lil' Dux

"Lil' Dux"

This image was taken on a foggy October morning about 4 years ago. Surprising to some, it was captured with a 3MP point-and-shoot digital. The end product is the result of my introduction to Noise Ninja. Out of the camera, the image was very grainy. However, one pass through Noise Ninja and the image was recovered.

This has always been one of my favorite images in my portfolio. I like the relatively bright yellow of the boat interior set off against the dreary mood of early morning fog. I also think the tonal qualities of the grass also works well in this image. However, it has never been one of my more popular images. I must confess that I've never understood this, but such is the subjective world of art. It is possible that my opinion of the image is tainted by the significant effort I put into capturing and finishing it.